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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * @author Ed Spencer
 * ServerProxy is a superclass of {@link Ext.data.proxy.JsonP JsonPProxy} and {@link Ext.data.proxy.Ajax AjaxProxy}, and
 * would not usually be used directly.
 * ServerProxy should ideally be named HttpProxy as it is a superclass for all HTTP proxies - for Ext JS 4.x it has been
 * called ServerProxy to enable any 3.x applications that reference the HttpProxy to continue to work (HttpProxy is now
 * an alias of AjaxProxy).
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.data.proxy.Server', {
    extend: 'Ext.data.proxy.Proxy',
    alias : 'proxy.server',
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.data.ServerProxy',
    uses  : ['Ext.data.Request'],

     * @cfg {String} url
     * The URL from which to request the data object.

     * @cfg {String} [pageParam="page"]
     * The name of the 'page' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'page'. Set this to undefined if you don't
     * want to send a page parameter.
    pageParam: 'page',

     * @cfg {String} [startParam="start"]
     * The name of the 'start' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'start'. Set this to undefined if you don't
     * want to send a start parameter.
    startParam: 'start',

     * @cfg {String} [limitParam="limit"]
     * The name of the 'limit' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'limit'. Set this to undefined if you don't
     * want to send a limit parameter.
    limitParam: 'limit',

     * @cfg {String} [groupParam="group"]
     * The name of the 'group' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'group'. Set this to undefined if you don't
     * want to send a group parameter.
    groupParam: 'group',

     * @cfg {String} [groupDirectionParam="groupDir"]
     * The name of the direction parameter to send in a request. **This is only used when simpleGroupMode is set to
     * true.**
    groupDirectionParam: 'groupDir',

     * @cfg {String} [sortParam="sort"]
     * The name of the 'sort' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'sort'. Set this to undefined if you don't
     * want to send a sort parameter.
    sortParam: 'sort',

     * @cfg {String} [filterParam="filter"]
     * The name of the 'filter' parameter to send in a request. Defaults to 'filter'. Set this to undefined if you don't
     * want to send a filter parameter.
    filterParam: 'filter',

     * @cfg {String} [directionParam="dir"]
     * The name of the direction parameter to send in a request. **This is only used when simpleSortMode is set to
     * true.**
    directionParam: 'dir',

     * @cfg {String} [idParam="id"]
     * The name of the parameter which carries the id of the entity being operated upon.
    idParam: 'id',

     * @cfg {Boolean} [simpleSortMode=false]
     * Enabling simpleSortMode in conjunction with remoteSort will only send one sort property and a direction when a
     * remote sort is requested. The {@link #directionParam} and {@link #sortParam} will be sent with the property name
     * and either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
    simpleSortMode: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [simpleGroupMode=false]
     * Enabling simpleGroupMode in conjunction with remoteGroup will only send one group property and a direction when a
     * remote group is requested. The {@link #groupDirectionParam} and {@link #groupParam} will be sent with the property name and either 'ASC'
     * or 'DESC'.
    simpleGroupMode: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [noCache=true]
     * Disable caching by adding a unique parameter name to the request. Set to false to allow caching. Defaults to true.
    noCache : true,

     * @cfg {String} [cacheString="_dc"]
     * The name of the cache param added to the url when using noCache. Defaults to "_dc".
    cacheString: "_dc",

     * @cfg {Number} timeout
     * The number of milliseconds to wait for a response. Defaults to 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).
    timeout : 30000,

     * @cfg {Object} api
     * Specific urls to call on CRUD action methods "create", "read", "update" and "destroy". Defaults to:
     *     api: {
     *         create  : undefined,
     *         read    : undefined,
     *         update  : undefined,
     *         destroy : undefined
     *     }
     * The url is built based upon the action being executed [create|read|update|destroy] using the commensurate
     * {@link #api} property, or if undefined default to the configured
     * {@link Ext.data.Store}.{@link Ext.data.proxy.Server#url url}.
     * For example:
     *     api: {
     *         create  : '/controller/new',
     *         read    : '/controller/load',
     *         update  : '/controller/update',
     *         destroy : '/controller/destroy_action'
     *     }
     * If the specific URL for a given CRUD action is undefined, the CRUD action request will be directed to the
     * configured {@link Ext.data.proxy.Server#url url}.

    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this;

        config = config || {};
         * @event exception
         * Fires when the server returns an exception. This event may also be listened
         * to in the event that a request has timed out or has been aborted.
         * @param {Ext.data.proxy.Proxy} this
         * @param {Object} response The response from the AJAX request
         * @param {Ext.data.Operation} operation The operation that triggered request

         * @cfg {Object} extraParams
         * Extra parameters that will be included on every request. Individual requests with params of the same name
         * will override these params when they are in conflict.
        me.extraParams = config.extraParams || {};

        me.api = Ext.apply({}, config.api || me.api);

        //backwards compatibility, will be deprecated in 5.0
        me.nocache = me.noCache;

    //in a ServerProxy all four CRUD operations are executed in the same manner, so we delegate to doRequest in each case
    create: function() {
        return this.doRequest.apply(this, arguments);

    read: function() {
        return this.doRequest.apply(this, arguments);

    update: function() {
        return this.doRequest.apply(this, arguments);

    destroy: function() {
        return this.doRequest.apply(this, arguments);

     * Sets a value in the underlying {@link #extraParams}.
     * @param {String} name The key for the new value
     * @param {Object} value The value
    setExtraParam: function(name, value) {
        this.extraParams[name] = value;

     * Creates an {@link Ext.data.Request Request} object from {@link Ext.data.Operation Operation}.
     * This gets called from doRequest methods in subclasses of Server proxy.
     * @param {Ext.data.Operation} operation The operation to execute
     * @return {Ext.data.Request} The request object
    buildRequest: function(operation) {
        var me = this,
            // Clone params right now so that they can be mutated at any point further down the call stack
            params = operation.params = Ext.apply({}, operation.params, me.extraParams),

        //copy any sorters, filters etc into the params so they can be sent over the wire
        Ext.applyIf(params, me.getParams(operation));

        // Set up the entity id parameter according to the configured name.
        // This defaults to "id". But TreeStore has a "nodeParam" configuration which
        // specifies the id parameter name of the node being loaded.
        if (operation.id !== undefined && params[me.idParam] === undefined) {
            params[me.idParam] = operation.id;

        request = new Ext.data.Request({
            params   : params,
            action   : operation.action,
            records  : operation.records,
            operation: operation,
            url      : operation.url,

            // this is needed by JsonSimlet in order to properly construct responses for
            // requests from this proxy
            proxy: me

        request.url = me.buildUrl(request);

         * Save the request on the Operation. Operations don't usually care about Request and Response data, but in the
         * ServerProxy and any of its subclasses we add both request and response as they may be useful for further processing
        operation.request = request;

        return request;

    // Should this be documented as protected method?
    processResponse: function(success, operation, request, response, callback, scope) {
        var me = this,

        if (success === true) {
            reader = me.getReader();

            // Apply defaults to incoming data only for read operations.
            // For create and update, there will already be a client-side record
            // to match with which will contain any defaulted in values.
            reader.applyDefaults = operation.action === 'read';

            result = reader.read(me.extractResponseData(response));

            if (result.success !== false) {
                //see comment in buildRequest for why we include the response object here
                Ext.apply(operation, {
                    response: response,
                    resultSet: result

            } else {
                me.fireEvent('exception', this, response, operation);
        } else {
            me.setException(operation, response);
            me.fireEvent('exception', this, response, operation);

        //this callback is the one that was passed to the 'read' or 'write' function above
        if (typeof callback == 'function') {
            callback.call(scope || me, operation);

        me.afterRequest(request, success);

     * Sets up an exception on the operation
     * @private
     * @param {Ext.data.Operation} operation The operation
     * @param {Object} response The response
    setException: function(operation, response) {
            status: response.status,
            statusText: response.statusText

     * Template method to allow subclasses to specify how to get the response for the reader.
     * @template
     * @private
     * @param {Object} response The server response
     * @return {Object} The response data to be used by the reader
    extractResponseData: Ext.identityFn,

     * Encode any values being sent to the server. Can be overridden in subclasses.
     * @private
     * @param {Array} value An array of sorters/filters.
     * @return {Object} The encoded value
    applyEncoding: function(value) {
        return Ext.encode(value);

     * Encodes the array of {@link Ext.util.Sorter} objects into a string to be sent in the request url. By default,
     * this simply JSON-encodes the sorter data
     * @param {Ext.util.Sorter[]} sorters The array of {@link Ext.util.Sorter Sorter} objects
     * @return {String} The encoded sorters
    encodeSorters: function(sorters) {
        var min = [],
            length = sorters.length,
            i = 0;

        for (; i < length; i++) {
            min[i] = {
                property : sorters[i].property,
                direction: sorters[i].direction
        return this.applyEncoding(min);


     * Encodes the array of {@link Ext.util.Filter} objects into a string to be sent in the request url. By default,
     * this simply JSON-encodes the filter data
     * @param {Ext.util.Filter[]} filters The array of {@link Ext.util.Filter Filter} objects
     * @return {String} The encoded filters
    encodeFilters: function(filters) {
        var min = [],
            length = filters.length,
            i = 0;

        for (; i < length; i++) {
            min[i] = {
                property: filters[i].property,
                value   : filters[i].value
        return this.applyEncoding(min);

     * @private
     * Copy any sorters, filters etc into the params so they can be sent over the wire
    getParams: function(operation) {
        var me = this,
            params = {},
            isDef = Ext.isDefined,
            groupers = operation.groupers,
            sorters = operation.sorters,
            filters = operation.filters,
            page = operation.page,
            start = operation.start,
            limit = operation.limit,
            simpleSortMode = me.simpleSortMode,
            simpleGroupMode = me.simpleGroupMode,
            pageParam = me.pageParam,
            startParam = me.startParam,
            limitParam = me.limitParam,
            groupParam = me.groupParam,
            groupDirectionParam = me.groupDirectionParam,
            sortParam = me.sortParam,
            filterParam = me.filterParam,
            directionParam = me.directionParam,
            hasGroups, index;

        if (pageParam && isDef(page)) {
            params[pageParam] = page;

        if (startParam && isDef(start)) {
            params[startParam] = start;

        if (limitParam && isDef(limit)) {
            params[limitParam] = limit;

        hasGroups = groupParam && groupers && groupers.length > 0;
        if (hasGroups) {
            // Grouper is a subclass of sorter, so we can just use the sorter method
            if (simpleGroupMode) {
                params[groupParam] = groupers[0].property;
                params[groupDirectionParam] = groupers[0].direction || 'ASC';
            } else {
                params[groupParam] = me.encodeSorters(groupers);

        if (sortParam && sorters && sorters.length > 0) {
            if (simpleSortMode) {
                index = 0;
                // Group will be included in sorters, so grab the next one
                if (sorters.length > 1 && hasGroups) {
                    index = 1;
                params[sortParam] = sorters[index].property;
                params[directionParam] = sorters[index].direction;
            } else {
                params[sortParam] = me.encodeSorters(sorters);


        if (filterParam && filters && filters.length > 0) {
            params[filterParam] = me.encodeFilters(filters);

        return params;

     * Generates a url based on a given Ext.data.Request object. By default, ServerProxy's buildUrl will add the
     * cache-buster param to the end of the url. Subclasses may need to perform additional modifications to the url.
     * @param {Ext.data.Request} request The request object
     * @return {String} The url
    buildUrl: function(request) {
        var me = this,
            url = me.getUrl(request);

        if (!url) {
            Ext.Error.raise("You are using a ServerProxy but have not supplied it with a url.");

        if (me.noCache) {
            url = Ext.urlAppend(url, Ext.String.format("{0}={1}", me.cacheString, Ext.Date.now()));

        return url;

     * Get the url for the request taking into account the order of priority,
     * - The request
     * - The api
     * - The url
     * @private
     * @param {Ext.data.Request} request The request
     * @return {String} The url
    getUrl: function(request) {
        return request.url || this.api[request.action] || this.url;

     * In ServerProxy subclasses, the {@link #create}, {@link #read}, {@link #update} and {@link #destroy} methods all
     * pass through to doRequest. Each ServerProxy subclass must implement the doRequest method - see {@link
     * Ext.data.proxy.JsonP} and {@link Ext.data.proxy.Ajax} for examples. This method carries the same signature as
     * each of the methods that delegate to it.
     * @param {Ext.data.Operation} operation The Ext.data.Operation object
     * @param {Function} callback The callback function to call when the Operation has completed
     * @param {Object} scope The scope in which to execute the callback
    doRequest: function(operation, callback, scope) {
        Ext.Error.raise("The doRequest function has not been implemented on your Ext.data.proxy.Server subclass. See src/data/ServerProxy.js for details");

     * Optional callback function which can be used to clean up after a request has been completed.
     * @param {Ext.data.Request} request The Request object
     * @param {Boolean} success True if the request was successful
     * @protected
     * @template
     * @method
    afterRequest: Ext.emptyFn,

    onDestroy: function() {
        Ext.destroy(this.reader, this.writer);